Here are 7 photos of the Red Baron Weather Vane Planes in the sequence of just a little wind to a very heavy wind. Remember, the planes rotate 360º and always fly into the wind.
1. We're starting off in a very light breeze. The propellers are spinning and the French plane is tilting down slightly. You can make adjustments as to how sensitive you
want the planes to react. |
2. Here the breeze has picked up, and the French plane is tilting down more. They always fly into the wind. The French plane independently pivots up and down, somewhat
like a "bobbing" action. The Red Baron independently pivots also, but more like a rocking action. |
3. The breeze is turning into a little wind as the Red Baron continues to lift and the French plane pushes down. |
4. Now we have a good wind. The planes always fly into the wind, and shift direction as fast as the wind does. Also, the wind rarely holds steady, so the planes are also
constantly moving up and down. |
5. The wind is showing more force as Red Baron rises higher and the French plane dives. |
6. Here we have a strong wind, and the Red Baron has reached it's max lift potential -- notice how it is slanted down. The Red Baron is now acting as a brake to keep the vane
from swinging down too hard. |
7. Now this is a heavy wind, probably 35 to 40 mph! If you're getting sustained winds at 40 mph (or gusts that are higher), you should probably take down the planes until the
wind subsides. |